Jungian Psychotherapy Still Dominates Western Practice

Jungian psychotherapy is the most commonly used form of the practice today, and owes much to the doctrine of analysis. It is an advancement on the ideas of Freud, whose psychoanalysis was a similar but more primitive way of trying to achieve what are fundamentally the same ends, but it is carried out in a completely different way. While there have been countless enhancements and developments in the years since Jung, it is still his basic model which underpins most of modern psychotherapy.

When a patient comes to see a psychotherapist, they can have any number of problems which they hope the practitioner will be able to help them solve. They may or may not be able to give the practitioner a reasonable idea of what those problems may be. Obviously, the practitioner needs to have as clear a description as possible of these problems, but in many cases the patient cannot give a fully accurate description. When there are pain incidents buried within the mind, it is common for the conscious mind to have no recollection of them. If the therapy is to succeed, a way must be found to bring this incident to the surface so that it can be dealt with.

Not all patients have difficulty with traumas, buried or otherwise. Many are just in a state of confusion and unable to see where they are going. A session of analytical therapy can help the person to think in a more coherent manner, and also to be aware of situations and possibilities they would not have thought of before. Sessions of this type work best in a one on one situation in intimate surroundings, with the patient seated and fully alert. The old method of having the patient lie down is virtually obsolete, unless there are physical problems with the patient such as a bad back.

psychotherapy approaches

The techniques of Jungian psychotherapy are still the foundation of every learning program in the Western world, which is a testimony to the way in which their creator made them logical, accessible, and above all usable. If you are in the United States, you can take a college course which will teach you the fundamentals, and this will be all that you will need to obtain a license to practice. The course can last for as little as two years, but there are longer courses which will give you a more in depth training.

You don't need to study on a college campus to achieve your target. There are thousands of students throughout the Western world who are taking advantage of the opportunity to study online, in the comfort of their own homes. The study programs are usually identical to those offered through the campus system, although there will obviously need to be an adjustment for the practical work. As long as you are the type of person who studies best when they are left alone in familiar surroundings, you should be able to achieve success with the home study option.


There are also specialist learning centers devoted to Jungian psychotherapy, offering courses which are something of a hybrid. As these organizations are trying to bring more qualified people into the profession, they are more than aware of the need for learning to be flexible. The theory part of the learning will take place on a flexible basis, using online communications and Internet technology. When you have completed this part of the course, you will then need to travel to a local center for an intensive practical training session. When this has been completed, you will have enough knowledge to begin practicing Jungian psychotherapy.

Author: Marc Knox